
宋道红 教授

招生专业: 光学,光子学与光子技术


邮箱: songdaohong@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 南开大学泰达学院七区404室


  • 性别:
  • 部门: 我院
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  • 职称: 教授
  • 电子邮箱: songdaohong@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 南开大学泰达学院七区404室




2020/12-至今 南开大学,教授2015/12-2020/12 南开大学,副教授2011/07-2015/12 南开大学,讲师2010/07-2010/10, 德国Helmut Schmidt大学,访问学者


宋道红,男,必赢766net手机版/泰达应用物理研究院教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金和天津市杰出青年基金获得者。主要从事拓扑光子学和非线性光学的研究,研究内容集中于狄拉克光子学微结构中的光传输及新颖物理现象。近年来在该领域的研究成果在Science, Nat. Mater., Nat.Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Light: Science & Appl., Optica, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express等著名期刊发表论文六十余篇。主持承担了国家自然科学基金项目和科技部973项目子课题,并以学术骨干身份参与国家重点研发计划项目等,参与撰写由上海交通大学出版社出版的光物理研究前沿系列《非线性光学研究前沿》专著一个章节。作为第二完成人获得首届中国光学科技二等奖。目前为Phys. Rev. Lett.,Light: Science & Appl., Optica, Phys. Rev. Applied, Phys. Rev. A,Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express,Photo. Res., Adv. Photon.,Appl. Opt., Chin. Phys. Lett.,等学术期刊审稿人。



研究方向为拓扑光学微结构中光传输和光场调控的研究,利用光子晶格平台(人工光子能带结构)模拟和探究凝聚态物理、材料科学、量子力学和光子学交叉领域的重要前沿物理问题,探索狄拉克物理及拓扑物理在光学中带来的新的现象及机制。 更多信息介绍见课题组主页:http://topo-photonics.nankai.edu.cn/



1.         Limin Song, Yuqing Xie, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Jun-Won Rhim, Zhigang ChenTopological Flatband Loop States in Fractal-Like Photonic LatticesLaser Photon. Rev. 2023  https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202200315

2.         Sihong Lei, Shiqi Xia, Junqian Wang, Xiuying Liu, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song*, Jingjun Xu, Hrvoje Buljan*, and Zhigang Chen*,Mapping and Manipulation of Topological Singularities: From Photonic Graphene to T-GrapheneACS Photonics 2023, ttps://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01695

3.         Yujie Zhang, Guo Liang, Liqin Tang, Denghui Li, Jingyan Zhan, Daohong Song, Trevor Kelly, Huizhong Xu, Zhigang Chen “Tunable Optical Nonlinearity and Self-collimation of Light in Food Dye Solutions”, Opt. Comm 528, 129010 (2023).

4.         Shenyi Gao, Limin Song, Wenchao Yan, Yichi Wang, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, “Demonstration of Robust Boundary Modes in Photonic Decorated Honeycomb Lattices, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2202045 (2022).

5.         Yu He, Shiqi Xia, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Daohong Song, Zhigang Chen and Daniel Leykam, “Persistent homology analysis of a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model”, Phys. Rev. B 106, 054210 (2022).

6.         J. Wang, S. Xia, R. Wang, R. Ma, Y. Lu, X. Zhang*, D. Song, Q. Wu, R. Morandotti, J. Xu*, Z. Chen*, “Topologically tuned terahertz confinement in a nonlinear photonic chip”, Light Sci Appl. 11, 152 (2022). 

7.         Shiqiang Xia, Carlo Danieli, Yingying Zhang, Xingdong Zhao, Hai Lu, Liqin Tang, Denghui Li, Daohong Song and Zhigang Chen, Higher-order exceptional point and Landau–Zener Bloch oscillations in driven non-Hermitian photonic Lieb lattices  APL Photonics 6, 126106 (2021)

8.         Yuqing Xie, Limin Song, Wenchao Yan, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Jun-Won Rhim and Zhigang Chen,”Fractal-like photonic lattices and localized states arising from singular and nonsingular flatbands”, APL Photonics 6, 116104  (2021)…

9.         Wenchao Yan, Daohong Song, Shiqi Xia, Junfang Xie, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen,”Realization of Second-Order Photonic Square-Root Topological Insulators”,ACS Photonics, 8, 11, 3308–3314, 2021

10.     Hua Zhong, Shiqi Xia, Yiqi Zhang, Yongdong Li, Daohong Song, Chunliang Liu, Zhigang Chen. Nonlinear topological valley Hall edge states arising from type-II Dirac cones. Advanced Photonics, 3(5):56001, 2021

11.     Domenico Bongiovanni, Dario Jukić, Zhichan Hu, Frane Lunić, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Roberto Morandotti, Zhigang Chen, Hrvoje Buljan, “Dynamically Emerging Topological Phase Transitions in Nonlinear Interacting Soliton Lattices” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 184101 (2021)

12.     Zhichan Hu, Domenico Bongiovanni, Dario Jukić, Ema Jajtić, Shiqi Xia, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, Roberto Morandotti, Hrvoje Buljan & Zhigang Chen, “Nonlinear control of photonic higher-order topological bound states in the continuum”Light: Science & Applications 10, 164 (2021)

13.     Domenico Bongiovanni, Denghui Li, Mihalis Goutsoulas, Hao Wu, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Roberto Morandotti, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, and Zhigang Chen,“Free-space realization of tunable pin-like optical vortex beamsPhotonics Research 9, 1204-1212 (2021)

14.     Jiayi Wang, Yang Liu, Donghao Yang, Zhichan Hu, Xinzheng Zhang, Shiqi Xia, Daohong Song, Mengxin Ren, Shaohua Gao, Ride Wang, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu, “Tunable terahertz topological edge and corner states in designer surface plasmon crystals”, Optics Express 29, 19531-19539 (2021)

15.     Xiuying Liu, Frane Lunic, Daohong Song,* Zhixuan Dai, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu,

Zhigang Chen,* and Hrvoje Buljan*, Wavepacket Self-Rotation and Helical Zitterbewegung in Symmetry-Broken Honeycomb Lattices, Laser Photonics Rev. 15, 20005632021

16.     Shiqi Xia, Daohong Song, Nan Wang, Xiuying Liu, Jina Ma, Liqin Tang, Hrvoje Buljan, and Zhigang Chen,Topological phenomena demonstrated in photorefractive photonic lattices,Optical Materials Express 11, 1292-1312 (2021)

17.     Shiqi Xia*, Dimitrios Kaltsas*, Daohong Song*, Ioannis Komis, Jingjun Xu, Alexander Szameit,Hrvoje Buljan,†, Konstantinos G. Makris†, Zhigang Chen†, Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states Science 372, 72-76 (2021)

18.     Min Guo, Shiqi Xia, Nan Wang, Daohong Song, Zhigang Chen, and Jianke Yang,”Weakly nonlinear topological gap solitons in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger photonic lattices”,Opt. Lett. 45(23), 6466-6469 (2020)

19.     夏世强, 唐莉勤, 夏士齐, 马继娜, 燕文超, 宋道红, 胡毅, 许京军, 陈志刚, “平带光子微结构中的新颖现象:从模式局域到实空间拓扑物理学报. 69(15): 154207. 2020

20.     Shiqi Xia, Dario Jukić, Nan Wang, Daria Smirnova, Lev Smirnov, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song*, Alexander Szameit, Daniel Leykam, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen* & Hrvoje Buljan*Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topologyLight: Science & Applications  9, 147 (2020)

21.     Xiuying Liu, Shiqi Xia, Ema Jajtić, Daohong Song, Denghui Li, Liqin Tang, Daniel Leykam, Jingjun Xu, Hrvoje Buljan & Zhigang Chen. Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities. Nature Communications 11, 1586 (2020).

22.     J. Ma, J.-W. Rhim, L. Tang, S. Xia, H. Wang, X. Zheng, S. Xia, D. Song, Y. Hu, Y. Li, B.-J. Yang, D. Leykam, and Z. Chen, Direct Observation of Flatband Loop States Arising from Nontrivial Real-Space Topology, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 183901 (2020)

23.     Hua Zhong, Yongdong Li, Daohong Song, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yiqi Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Zhigang Chen, “Topological Valley Hall Edge State Lasing”, Laser Photonics Rev. 14, 2000001(2020).

24.     Denghui Li, Domenico Bongiovanni, Michael Goutsoulas, Shiqi Xia, Ze Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Roberto Morandotti, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, and Zhigang Chen”Direct comparison of anti-diffracting optical pin beams and abruptly autofocusing beams” OSA Continuum, 3, 1525(2020)

25.     Wenchao Yan, Hua Zhong, Daohong Song,* Yiqi Zhang, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang, Daniel Leykam, and Zhigang Chen*,”Flatband Line States in Photonic Super-Honeycomb Lattices” Adv. Optical Mater. 8 1902174 (2020)

26.     L. Tang, D. Song, S. Xia, S. Xia, J. Ma, W. Yan, Y. Hu, J. Xu, D. Leykam and Z. Chen, Photonic flat-band lattices and unconventional light localization, Nanophotonics 9 1161 (2020) (Invited Review)

27.     S. Xia, C. Danieli, W. Yan, Z. Li, S. Xia, J. Ma, H. Lu, D. Song*, L. Tang*, S. Flach, and Z. Chen*, Observation of quincunx-shaped flatband states in photonic rhombic lattice without band-touchingAPL Photonics, 5(1), 016107 (2020)

28.     H. Wang, L. Tang*, J. Ma, H. Hao, X. Zheng, D. Song, Yi Hu, Y Li, and Z. Chen*, Optical Clearing and Shielding with Fan-shaped Vortex Beams, APL Photonics, 5(1), 016102 (2020)

29.     Haiping Wang, Liqin Tang, Jina Ma, Xiuyan Zheng, Daohong Song, Yi Hu, Yigang Li, and Zhigang Chen,Synthetic optical vortex beams from the analogous trajectory change of an artificial satellite, Photonics Research 7,1101(2019)

30.     Hua Zhong, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yiqi Zhang, Daohong Song, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, and Zhigang Chen,Rabi-like oscillation of photonic topological valley Hall edge states, Optics Letters,44,3342(2019)

31.     Daohong Song, Daniel Leykam, Jing Su, Xiuying Liu, Liqin Tang, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, Nikolaos K. Efremidis, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang ChenValley vortex states and degeneracy lifting via photonic higher-band excitation”  Physical Review Letters  122, 123903 (2019)

32.     Shiqi Xia, Ajith Ramachandran, Shiqiang Xia, Denghui Li, Xiuying Liu, Liqin Tang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, Daniel Leykam, Sergej Flach, and Zhigang Chen, Unconventional Flatband Line States in Photonic Lieb Lattices, Physical Review Letters 121, 263902 (2018).

33.     Y. Sun, D. Leykam, S. Nenni, D. Song, H. Chen, Y. D. Chong, and Z. Chen, Observation of Valley Landau-Zener-Bloch Oscillations and Pseudospin Imbalance in Photonic Graphene. Physical Review Letters 121, 033904 (2018).

34.     Yumiao Pei, Yi Hu, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen,“Observation of spatial optical diametric drive acceleration in photonic lattices”,Optics Letters 43, 118-121 (2018)

35.     陈志刚,许京军,胡毅,宋道红,张泽,赵娟莹,梁毅,自加速光的调控及其新奇应用,光学学报,361026009 (2016)

36.     Yuanyuan Zong, Shiqiang Xia, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Yi Hu, Yumiao Pei, Jing Su, Yigang Li, and Zhigang ChenObservation of localized flat-band states in Kagome photonic lattices”,Optics Express, 24, 8877-8885 (2016)

37.     Shiqiang Xia, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Yuanyuan Zong, Liqin Tang, and Zhigang Chen,”Demonstration of flat-band image transmission in optically induced Lieb photonic lattices” Opt. Lett., 41, 1435-1438 (2016).

38.     J. Zhao, I. D. Chremmos, D. Song, D. N. Christodoulides, N. K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen , Spiraling particles by fine-shaped dynamical singular beams, Opt. & Photonics News, December issue (Optics in 2015).

39.     Yi Liang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Xinzheng Zhang, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu,“Image signal transmission with Airy beams,”  Opt. Lett., 40, 5686-5689 (2015).

40.     Yaakov Lumer, Yi Liang, Ran Schley, Ido Kaminer, Elad Greenfield, Daohong Song, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu,Zhigang Chen, and Mordechai Segev*, “Incoherent self-accelerating beams,” Optica, 2(10), 886-892 (2015).

41.     J. Zhao, I. D. Chremmos, D. Song, D. N. Christodoulides, N. K. Efremidis and Z. Chen, , Curved singular beams for three-dimensional particle manipulation, Scientific Reports, 5,12086 (2015).

42.     Juanying Zhao, I. D. Chremmos, Ze Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Peng Zhang, N. K. Efremidis, Zhigang Chen, “Specially shaped Bessel-like self-accelerating beams along predesigned trajectories”,Science Bulletin, 601157 (2015)

43.     Daohong. Song, Sheng Liu, Vassilis Paltoglou, Daniel Gallardo, Liqin Tang, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, Nikolaos K Efremidis and Zhigang Chen, Controlled generation of pseudospin-mediated vortices in photonic graphene. 2D Materials. 2, 034007 (2015).

44.     D. Song, V. Paltoglou, S. Liu, Y. Zhu, D. Gallardo, L. Tang, J. Xu, M. Ablowitz, N.K. Efremidis, Z. Chen, Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene, Nat. Commun., 6 , 6272  (2015).

45.     Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, YuanyuanZong, Liqin Tang*, and Zhigang Chen,Observation of self-trapping and rotation of higher-band gap solitons intwo-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Express 23, 4397-4405 (2015)

46.     Yuanmei Gao, Daohong Song , Shanshan Chu and Zhigang Chen,“Artificial graphene and related photonic lattices generated with a simple method”,IEEE Photonics Journal,6,6923444( 2014)

47.     Yonatan Plotnik*, Mikael C. Rechtsman*, Daohong Song*, Matthias Heinrich, Julia M. Zeuner, Stefan Nolte, Natalia Malkova, Jingjun Xu, Alexander Szameit, Zhigang Chen, Mordechai Segev. Observation of unconventional edge states in ‘photonic graphene’. Nature Materials 13, 57 (2014).( * equal contribution)

48.     Ye Zhuo-Yi, Xia Shi-Qiang, Song Dao-Hong, TangLi Qin, and Lou Ci Bo, ”Beam control in the tri-core photonic lattices,” Chinese Phyiscs B,  23(2): 024211 (2014)

49.     Yi Liang, Yi Hu, Zhuoyi Ye, Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Roberto Morandotti, and Zhigang Chen, Dynamical deformed Airy beams with arbitrary angles between two wings, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 1468-1472 (2014)

50.     Mikael C. Rechtsman, Yonatan Plotnik, Julia M. Zeuner, Daohong Song, Zhigang Chen, Alexander Szameit, and Mordechai Segev, ”Topological creation and destruction of edge states in photonic graphene,”  Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103901 (2013)

51.     Ze Zhang, Zhuoyi Ye, Daohong Song, Peng Zhang, and Zhigang Chen, Repositioning and steering laser beam power via coherent combination of multiple Airy beams, Appl. Opt. 52, 8512-8517 (2013)

52.     Juanying Zhao,Peng Zhang,Dongmei Deng,Cibo Lou,Daohong Song,Jingjiao Liu,Zhigang Chen. Self-accelerating and self-breathing Bessel-like beams along arbitrary trajectories Chinese Optics Letters111107012013

53.     Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang*, Cibo Lou, Yigang Li,”Self-trapping and oscillation of quadruple beams in high band gap of 2D photonic lattices,” Chinese Optics Letter, 11, 090801 (2013)

54.     Yi Liang, Zhuoyi Ye, Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Generation of linear and nonlinear propagation of three-Airy beams, Opt. Express 21, 1615-1622 (2013)

55.     Yi Hu, Zhe Sun, Domenico Bongiovanni, Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen, and Roberto Morandotti, Reshaping the trajectory and spectrum of nonlinear Airy beams, Opt. Lett. 37, 3201-3203 (2012)

56.     Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Tunable self-shifting Bloch modes in anisotropic hexagonal photonic lattices, Opt. Lett. 37, 2184-2186 (2012)

57.     S. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, X. Gan, C. Lou, D. Song, J. Zhao, J. Xu and Z. Chen, “Symmetry-breaking diffraction and dynamic self-trapping in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (6), 061907-061904 (2012).

58.     Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Zhuoyi Ye, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen,“Experiments on Linear and Nonlinear Localization of Optical Vortices in Optically Induced Photonic LatticesInternational Journal of Optics20122738572012)(Review article

59.     S. Liu, Y. Hu, P. Zhang, X. Gan, F. Xiao, C. Lou, D. Song, J. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Anomalous interactions of spatial gap solitons in optically induced photonic lattices, Opt. Lett. 36, 1167-1169 (2011)

60.     Zhuoyi Ye, Sheng Liu, Cibo Lou, Peng Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, and Zhigang ChenAcceleration control of Airy beams with optically induced refractive-index gradient”, Opt. Lett. 36, 3230-3232 (2011)

61.     R. Dong, C. E. Rüter, D. Kip, J. Cuevas, P. G. Kevrekidis, D. H. Song and J. J. Xu Dark-bright gap solitons in coupled-mode one-dimensional saturable waveguide arrays,”Phys. Rev. A 83, 063816(2011)

62.     Daohong Song, Xiaosheng Wang, Daniel Shuldman, Jiandong Wang, Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou,  Jingjun Xu, Jianke Yang, and Zhigang Chen“Observation of bandgap guidance of optical vortices in a tunable negative defect,” Opt. Lett. 35, 2106-2108 (2010).

63.     Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Kody J.H. Law, Liqin Tang, Zhuoyi Ye, P.G. Kevrekidis, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen “Self-trapping of optical vortices at the surface of an induced semi-infinite photonic lattice”, Opt. Express, 18, 5873-5878(2010).

64.     Eugenia Eugenieva, Daohong Song, Anna Bezryadina, Peng Zhang, and Zhigang Chen, ”Self-trapping and stabilization of doubly-charged optical vortices in two-dimensional photonic lattices,” Journal of Modern Optics,57,1377 (2010)

65.     Rong Dong, Christian E. Rüter, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, and Detlef Kip,“Formation of higher-band dark gap solitons in one dimensional waveguide arrays” Opt. Express, 18, 27493-27498(2010).

66.     K. J. H. Law, D. Song, P. G. Kevrekidis, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, Geometric stabilization of extended S=2 vortices in two-dimensional photonic lattices: Theoretical analysis, numerical computation, and experimental results, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063817 (2009).

67.     Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Xiaosheng Wang, Wei Li. Xingyu Chen, Kody J.Law, Hadi Susanto, P.G. Kevrekidis,Jingjun Xu,and Zhigang Chen, “Self-trapping of optical vortices in waveguide lattices with a self-defocusing nonlinearity”, Opt. Express, 16, 10110-10116(2008).

68.     楼慈波,宋道红,唐莉勤,陈星宇,许京军,陈志刚,“光子晶格中新颖的带隙孤子”,物理,37239(2008).

69.     Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Xiaosheng Wang, Jingjun Xu and Zhigang Chen “Novel spatial solitons in light-induced photonic bandgap structures” Frontiers of Physics in China 3,1 (2008).

70.     Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou, Xiaosheng Wang, Daohong Song, Xingyu Chen, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen, H. Susanto, K. Law and P.G. Kevrekidis Observation of dipole-like gap solitons in self-defocusing waveguide lattices , Opt. Lett.32, 3011-3013 (2007).




本科课程: 大学物理学基础, 近代物理实验 


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