
孔勇发 教授

招生专业: 光学,凝聚态物理

电话: 022-23501490

邮箱: kongyf@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 五教205


  • 性别:
  • 部门: 我院
  • 联系电话: 022-23501490
  • 通讯地址: 天津市必赢766net手机版
  • 职称: 教授
  • 电子邮箱: kongyf@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 五教205


(1)1994.09至1997.09, 天津大学, 无机非金属材料专业, 博士生
(2)1991.09至1994.06, 南开大学, 凝聚态物理专业, 硕士生
(3)1987.09至1991.06, 南开大学, 固体物理专业, 本科生


(1) 2003.12至现在, 南开大学,必赢766net手机版,教授
(2) 1999.07至2003.11, 南开大学, 必赢766net手机版, 副教授
(3) 1997.10至1999.09, 南开大学, 物理系, 博士后




  • 光电材料物理

  • 光子学材料与器件




3)能源在国民经济中具有特别重要的战略地位,持续快速增长的能源需求和能源的清洁高效利用,对能源科技发展提出重大挑战。太阳能发电拥有无污染、不枯竭、分布广、使用安全等特点。提高效率、降低成本一直是太阳能电池领域研发的主题。当前的太阳能前沿技术早已脱离了单一的pn结,多种技术的综合运用是提高太阳能电池转换效率的发展趋势。非中心对称的宽禁带氧化物材料具有反常光生伏打效应,如掺铁铌酸锂晶体,其光生伏打场高达100 kV/cm,该光生伏打效应不但可以大幅提高光伏电池的输出电压,还可以与pn结的光伏效应有机结合起来,制作出具有复合光伏效应的太阳能电池。




1)生长了抗光损伤性能远优于中国之星的掺锆铌酸锂晶体,即使在紫外波段(351 nm),掺锆铌酸锂晶体仍然具有105W/cm2以上的抗光损伤能力!从而首次将铌酸锂晶体在高光强下的非线性光学应用从可见拓展到紫外波段,该结果被Nature Photonics选作Research Highlights

2)计并生长了具有优异抗光损伤性能的掺锡铌酸锂晶体,被Optics Letters选为封面;





  1. Qiang Luo, ZhenZhong Hao, Chen Yang, Ru Zhang, DaHuai Zheng, ShiGuo Liu, HongDe Liu, Fang Bo, YongFa Kong, GuoQuan Zhang, and JingJun Xu, Microdisk lasers on an erbium-doped lithium-niobite chip, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 234263 (2021). (Editor’s Focus, hot paper, highly cited)

  2. Yang Zhong, Zhenpeng Hu, Tongqing Sun, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Designing a Family of Aluminum-Containing Fluoroborate Crystals with Enhanced Birefringence and Second-Harmonic Generation Coefficients Based on the First-Principles Methods, J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 7431–7438 (2021).

  3. Qiang Luo, Chen Yang, Zhenzhong Hao, Ru Zhang, Dahuai Zheng, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, On-chip erbium-doped lithium niobate waveguide amplifiers, Chinese Optics Letters 19(6), 060008 (2021) [Invited]. Chinese Optics Letters I 2021 Outstanding Paper

  4. Shuolin Wang, Yidong Shan, Weiwei Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Lone-pair electron effect induced a rapid photorefractive response in site-controlled LiNbO3:Bi,M (M=Zn, In, Zr) crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 191902 (2021).

  5. Qiang Luo, Chen Yang, Ru Zhang, Zhenzhong Hao, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Xuanyi Yu, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, On-chip erbium-doped lithium niobate microring lasers, Opt. Lett. 46(13), 3275-3278 (2021).

  6. Ru Zhang, Chen Yang, ZhenZhong Hao, Di Jia, Qiang Luo, DaHuai Zheng, HongDe Liu, XuanYi Yu, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, YongFa Kong, GuoQuan Zhang, and JingJun Xu, Integrated lithium niobate single-mode lasers by the Vernier effect. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 294216 (2021).

  7. L. Wu, S. J. Sun, Y. X. Bai, Z. G. Xia, L. W. Wu, H. M. Chen, L. R. Zheng, H. Yi, T. Q. Sun, Y. F. Kong, Y. Zhang, and J. J. Xu, Defect-induced Self-reduction and Antithermal Quenching in NaZn(PO3)3:Mn2+ Red Phosphor, Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100870 (2021).

  8. Z. Z. Zheng, Y. X. Bai, Y. J. Ren, H. M. Chen, L. Wu, Y. F. Kong, Y. Zhang, J. J. Xu, Intrinsic and extrinsic defects build a novel mechanoluminescent phosphor Na2MgGeO4:Mn2+, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9, 3513-3521 (2021).

  9. Y. X. Bai, Z. Z. Zheng, L. Wu, Y. F. Kong, Y. Zhang, J. J. Xu, Construct a novel mechanoluminescent phosphor Li2MgGeO4:Mn2+ by defect control, Dalton Transactions 50, 8803-8810 (2021).

  10. Pan Zhang, Zhongzhong Zheng, Li Wu, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Self-Reduction-Related Defects, Long Afterglow, and Mechanoluminescence in Centrosymmetric Li2ZnGeO4:Mn2+, Inorg. Chem., 60, 23, 18432–18441 (2021).

  11. 高博锋,任梦昕,郑大怀,兀伟,蔡卫,孙军,孔勇发,许京军,铌酸锂的耄耋之路:历史与若干进展,人工晶体学报,50(7), 1183-1199 (2021)(综述)

  12. 罗强,薄方,孔勇发,张国权,许京军.铌酸锂薄膜微腔激光器研究进展.红外与激光工程,https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/12.1261.TN.20210823.1749.004.html (综述)

  13. Doudou Qian, Tiangui Hu, Jingyi Gao, Haihong Du, Li Wu, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Mechanosynthesis strategy towards a high-efficiency CsPbBr3/Cs4PbBr6 perovskite phosphor, Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 665-672 (2022).

  14. Qiang Luo, Chen Yang, Zhenzhong Hao, Ru Zhang, Rui Ma, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Xuanyi Yu, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, On-chip ytterbium-doped lithium niobate microdisk lasers with high conversion efficiency, Opt. Lett. 47(4), 854-857 (2022).

  15. Yuxing Bai, Shaojun Sun, Liwei Wu, Tiangui Hu, Lirong Zheng, Li Wu, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang and Jingjun Xu, Oxygen vacancy content drives self-reduction and anti-thermal quenching, J. Mater. Chem. C10, 4317-4326 (2022).

  16. Qiang Luo, Chen Yang, Zhenzhong Hao, Ru Zhang, Rui Ma, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Xuanyi Yu, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Integrated ytterbium-doped lithium niobate microring lasers, Opt. Lett. 47, 1427-1430 (2022).

  17. Huimin Chen, Yue Lei, Jiaojiao Li, Kexin Chen, Li Wu, Lirong Zheng, Tongqing Sun, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Intense Luminescence and Good Thermal Stability in a Mn2+-Activated Mg-Based Phosphor with Self-Reduction, Inorg. Chem. 61(14), 5495-5501 (2022).

  18. Shaoqing Song, Longfei Jia, Shuolin Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, Enhancement of ferromagnetism in a multiferroic La–Co co-doped BiFeO3 thin films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 355002 (2022).

  19. Shuolin Wang, Yidong Shan, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Fang Bo, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, The real-time dynamic holographic display of LN:Bi,Mg crystals and defect-related electron mobility, Opto-Electron Adv 5, 210135 (2022).


  1. Dahuai Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Shiguo Liu, Muling Chen, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Romano Rupp and Jingjun Xu, The simultaneous enhancement of photorefraction and optical damage resistance in MgO and Bi2O3 co-doped LiNbO3 crystals, Sci. Rep.6, 20308; doi: 10.1038/srep20308 (2016).

  2. Wei Hu, Pai Shan, Tongqing Sun, Hongde Liu, Jianming Zhang, Xuanwen Liu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Preparation, nonlinear optical properties, and theoretical analysis of the non-centrosymmetric bismuth oxyfluoride, Bi7F11O5, J. Alloy. Compd. 658 788-794 (2016).

  3. Shaojun Sun, Li Wu, Huan Yi, Liwei Wu,Jingyuan Ji, Chunling Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Energy transfer between Ce3+ and Tb3+ and the enhanced luminescence of a green phosphor SrB2O4:Ce3+, Tb3+, Na+, Opt. Mater. Express, 6(4), 1172-1185 (2016).

  4. Pai Shan, Tongqing Sun, Hong Chen,Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Xuanwen Liu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Crystal growth and optical characteristics of beryllium-free polyphosphate, KLa(PO3)4, a possible deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical crystal.Sci. Rep.6, 25201; doi: 10.1038/srep25201 (2016).

  5. Tian Tian, Yongfa Kong*, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Wei Li, Shaolin Chen, Jingjun Xu, Jiayue Xu, Haibo Zeng, Fabrication and formation mechanism of p-type lithium niobate crystals by molybdenum doping and polarization, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 27, 5886-5891 (2016).

  6. Huan Yi, Li Wu, Liwei Wu, Lixia Zhao, Zhiguo Xia, Yi Zhang, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Crystal Structure of High-Temperature Phase β-NaSrBO3and Photoluminescence of β-NaSrBO3:Ce3+, Inorg. Chem. 55(13), 6487–6495 (2016).

  7. Pai Shan, Tongqing Sun, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Xuanwen Liu, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Growth, Properties, and Theoretical Analysis of KBa2(PO3)5 Single Crystal, Crystal Growth & Design 16(10), 5588-5592 (2016).

  8. Liwei Wu, Yuxing Bai, Li Wu, Huan Yi, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang and Jingjun Xu, Sm3+and Eu3+codoped SrBi2B2O7: a red-emitting phosphor with improved thermal stability, RSC Adv. 7, 1146–1153 (2017).

  9. Tian Tian, Xiaodong Yan, Yongfa Kong, Hongde Liu, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Jingjun Xu, Jiayue Xu, Remarkable improvement in the photorefractive response speed and the mechanism of pure congruent lithium niobate crystals by polarization, Crystals7(12), 368 (2017); doi: 10.3390/cryst7120368.

  10. Tengfei Kong, Hongde Liu, Xinyu Ge, Da Qu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Room temperature 90° phase-matching in zirconium and magnesium co-doped lithium niobate crystals, Scientific Reports 8, 3865 (2018).

  11. Ling Zhu, Dahuai Zheng, Shahzad Saeed, Shuolin Wang, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Photorefractive properties of molybdenum and hafnium co-doped LiNbO3 crystals, Crystals8(8), 322 (2018).

  12. Ling Zhu, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Shahzad Saeed, Shuolin Wang, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong,and Jingjun Xu, Enhanced photorefractive properties of indium co-doped LiNbO3:Mo crystals, AIP Advances 8(9), 095316 (2018).

  13. Liwei Wu, Yuxing Bai, Li Wu, Huan Yi, Xinzheng Zhang, Lixin Zhang,Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang and Jingjun Xu, Analysis of the structure and abnormalphotoluminescence of a red-emittingLiMgBO3:Mn2+ phosphor, Dalton Trans.47,13094–13105 (2018).

  14. Weiwei Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Mengyuan Hu, Shahzad Saeed, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Lixin Zhang and Jingjun Xu, Effect of Defects on Spontaneous Polarization in Pure and Doped LiNbO3: First-Principles Calculations, Materials 12, 100 (2019); doi:10.3390/ma12010100.

  15. Wencan Li, Jiao Cui, Weiwei Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Longfei Jia, Shahzad Saeed, Hongde Liu, Romano Rupp, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, P-Type Lithium Niobate Thin Films Fabricated by Nitrogen-Doping, Materials 12, 819 (2019); doi:10.3390/ma12050819.

  16. Liyun Xue, Hongde Liu, Dahuai Zheng, Shahzad Saeed, Xuying Wang, Tian Tian, Ling Zhu, Yongfa Kong, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, The Photorefractive Response of Zn and Mo Codoped LiNbO3 in the Visible Region, Crystals 9, 228 (2019); doi:10.3390/cryst9050228.

  17. Huimin Chen,Liwei Wu,Fang Bo,Jikang Jian,Li Wu, Hongwu Zhang, Lirong Zheng, Yongfa Kong,Yi Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Coexistence of self-reduction from Mn4+ to Mn2+ and elastico-mechanoluminescence in diphase KZn(PO3)3:Mn2+,J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 7096-7103 (2019).

  18. Yang Zhong, Pai Shan, Tongqing Sun, Zhenpeng Hu, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, Growth and theoretical study on the deep-ultraviolet transparent β-CsBa2(PO3)5nonlinear optical crystal, CrystEngComm21, 4690-4695 (2019).

  19. Dahuai Zheng, Weiwei Wang, Shuolin Wang, Da Qu, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Real-time dynamic holographic display realized by bismuth and magnesium codoped lithium niobate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 241903 (2019). (Editor's picks)

  20. Shahzad Saeed, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Liyun Xue, Weiwei Wang, Ling Zhu, Mengyuan Hu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Rapid response of photorefraction in vanadium and magnesium co-doped lithium niobate, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52(40), 405303 (2019).

  21. Wencan Li, Jiao Cui, Dahuai Zheng, WeiweiWang, Shuolin Wang, Shaoqing Song, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Fabrication and Characteristics of Heavily Fe-Doped LiNbO3/Si Heterojunction, Materials 12, 2659 (2019); doi: 10.3390/ma12172659.

  22. Shahzad Saeed, Hongde Liu, Liyun Xue, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Enhancement of Photorefraction in Vanadium-Doped Lithium Niobate through Iron and Zirconium Co-Doping, Materials 12, 3143 (2019); doi: 10.3390/ma12193143.

  23. Yawen An, Yang Zhong, Tongqing Sun, Haijun Wang, Zhenpeng Hu, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, Synthesis, structure and characterization of M(IO3)2(HIO3) (M = Ca, Sr) as new anhydrous alkaline earth metal bis-iodate hydrogeniodate compounds, Dalton Trans.48, 13074–13080 (2019).

  24. Li Zhang, Dahuai Zheng, Wencan Li, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Microdisk resonators with lithium-niobate film on silicon substrate, Optics Express 27(23), 33662-33669 (2019).

  25. Tengfei Kong, Hongde Liu, Liyun Xue, Weiwei Wang, Shahzad Saeed, Dahuai Zheng, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, Linear Tuning of Phase-Matching Temperature in LiNbO3:Zr Crystals by MgO Co-Doping, Materials12(24), 4155 (2019).

  26. Weiwei Wang, Yang Zhong, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Lixin Zhang, Rupp Romano and Jingjun Xu, p-Type conductivity mechanism and defect structure of nitrogen-doped LiNbO3 from first-principles calculations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.22, 20-27 (2020);  (Front Cover)

  27. Yongfa Kong, Fang Bo, Weiwei Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Recent Progress in Lithium Niobate: Optical Damage, Defect Simulation, and On-Chip Devices, Adv. Mater. 1806452 (2019); DOI: 10.1002/adma.201806452; 32(3), 1806452 (2020). (Progress Report)

  28. Huimin Chen, Li Wu, Tongqing Sun, Rui Dong, Zhongzhong Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Intense green elastico-mechanoluminescence from KZn(PO3)3:Tb3+, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116(5), 051904 (2020); DOI: 10.1063/1.5134712

  29. Weiwei Wang, Hongde Liu, Dahuai Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Lixin Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Interaction between Mo and intrinsic or extrinsic defects of Mo doped LiNbO3 from first-principles calculations, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 255701 (2020).

  30. Yang Zhong, Zhenpeng Hu, Tongqing Sun, Weiwei Wang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Pauling’s rules guided Monte Carlo search (PAMCARS): A shortcut of predicting inorganic crystal structures, Computer Physics Communications, 256, 107486 (2020).

  31. Huimin Chen, Yuxing Bai, Lirong Zheng, Li Wu, Liwei Wu, Yongfa Kong, Yi Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Interstitial oxygen defect induced mechanoluminescence in KCa(PO3)3:Mn2+, J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 6587-6594 (2020).


  1. Hongde Liu, Qirui Liang, Meiling Zhu, Wei Li, Shiguo Liu, Ling Zhang, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, An excellent crystal for high resistance against optical damage in visible-UV range: near-stoichiometric zirconium-doped lithium niobate, Opt. Express 19(3), 1743-1748 (2011). Selected as Newsbreaks by Laser Focus World (March 2011).

  2. Yinfeng Dong, Shiguo Liu, Wei Li, Yongfa Kong*, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Improved ultraviolet photorefractive properties of vanadium-doped lithium niobate crystals, Opt. Lett. 36(10), 1779-1781 (2011).

  3. Yan Sheng, Wenjie Wang, Roy Shiloh, Vito Roppo, Yongfa Kong, Ady Arie, and Wieslaw Krolikowski, Čerenkov third-harmonic generation in χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 241114 (2011). Science Archived, June 21st, 2011.

  4. Feifei Xin, Guoquan Zhang, Xinyu Ge, Shiguo Liu, Li Xuan, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Ultraviolet band edge photorefractivity in LiNbO3:Sn crystals, Opt. Lett. 36(16), 3163-3165 (2011).

  5. Hao Zeng, Yongfa Kong*, Xin Sun, Shaolin Chen, Tongqing Sun, and Jingjun Xu, Bending the ferroelectric domain wall by a bubble, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter23, 345901 (2011).

  6. Tongqing Sun, Yu Zhang, Xiaoqing Wang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Dezhong Shen, Growth and characterizations of acentric polyphosphate KGd0.95Nd0.05(PO3)4 crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 331(1), 68-71 (2011).

  7. Zidong Pei, Qian Hu, Yongfa Kong*, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Investigation on p-type lithium niobate crystals, AIP Advances 1, 032171 (2011).

  8. Hongde Liu, Meiling Zhu, Qirui Liang, Wei Li, Shiguo Liu, Ling Zhang, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, In situ observation of light-assisted domain reversal in lithium niobate crystals, Opt. Mater. Express 1, 1433-1438 (2011).

  9. Yi Zhang, Li Wu, Minyuan Ji, Biao Wang, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Structure and photoluminescence properties of KSr4(BO3)3:Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor, Opt. Mater. Express 2, 92-102 (2012).

  10. L. Wu, Y. Zhang, M. Y. Gui, P. Z. Lu, L. X. Zhao, S. Tian, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, “Luminescence and Energy Transfer of a Color Tunable Phosphor: Dy3+-, Tm3+-, and Eu3+-Coactivated KSr4(BO3)3 for Warm White UV LEDs”, J. Mater. Chem. 22, 6463-6470 (2012).

  11. Yinfeng Dong, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Shaolin Chen, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Fast photorefractive response of vanadium-doped lithium niobate in the visible region, Opt. Lett. 37(11), 1841-1843 (2012).

  12. F. Liu, T. Makino, T. Yamazaki, K. Ueno, A. Tsukazaki, T. Fukumura, Y. Kong, and M. Kawasaki, Ultrafast time-resolved Faraday rotation in EuO thin films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 257401 (2012).

  13. Tian Tian, Yongfa Kong*, Shiguo Liu, Wei Li, Li Wu, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, The photorefraction of molybdenum-doped lithium niobate crystals, Opt. Lett. 37(13), 2679-2681 (2012).

  14. Chao Zhang, Jin Yang, Feng Chen, Yongfa Kong, Optical damage of Zr:LiNbO3 waveguides produced by proton implantation, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 286, 209–212 (2012).

  15. T. Makino,F. LiuT. Yamasaki,Y. Kozuka,K. Ueno,A. Tsukazaki,T. Fukumura,Y. Kong,and M. Kawasaki, Ultrafast optical control of magnetization in EuO thin films, Phys. Rev. B 86, 064403 (2012).

  16. Yongfa Kong*, Shiguo Liu, and Jingjun Xu, Recent advances in the photorefraction of doped lithium niobate crystals, Materials 5(10), 1954-1971 (2012). (Review)

  17. Tongqing Sun, Xiaodong Zhou, Yu Zhang, Shaolin Chen, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Growth and thermal properties of tetragonal double tungstate KLa(WO4)2 crystal, Mater. Res. Bull. 47(11), 3233–3237 (2012).

  18. Feifei Xin, Zhaohui Zhai, Xiaojie Wang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, Threshold behavior of the Einstein oscillator, electron-phonon interaction, band-edge absorption, and small hole polarons in LiNbO3:Mg crystals, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165132 (2012).

  19. Shoujun Zheng, Yongfa Kong*, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Shiguo Liu, and Jingjun Xu, Pyroelectric effect in green light-assisted domain reversal of Mg-doped LiNbO3 crystals, Opt. Express 20(27), 29131-29136 (2012).

  20. Tian Tian, Yongfa Kong*, Shiguo Liu, Wei Li, Shaolin Chen, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Fast UV-Vis photorefractive response of Zr and Mg codoped LiNbO3:Mo, Opt. Express 21(9), 10460-10466 (2013).

  21. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Xiaoying Niu, Ming Huang, Shoujun Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Second harmonic Čerenkov radiation in bulk birefringent quadratic medium without any χ(2) modulation, Optics & Laser Technology 58, 16–19 (2014).

  22. Shoujun Zheng, Yongfa Kong*, Rong Zhang, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Shiguo Liu, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Green light direct writing of ferroelectric domains in Mg-doped LiNbO3, Opt. Mater. Express 4, 272-279 (2014).

  23. Li Wu, Minyuan Ji, Hongrun Wang, Yongfa Kong, and Yi Zhang, Site occupancy and photoluminescence of Sm3+ in KSr4(BO3)3:Sm3+ phosphors, Opt. Mater. Express 4, 1535-1544 (2014).

  24. Tongqing Sun, Yu Zhang, Pai Shan, Zichang Zhang, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Growth, Structure, Thermal Properties and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Nd3+-Doped KGdP4O12 Crystal, PLoS ONE 9(6), e100922 (2014).

  25. L. Wu, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Li, R. Wang, H. Yi, Y. F. Kong, and J. J. Xu, Structure and photoluminescence properties of a rare-earth free red-emitting Mn2+-activated KMgBO3, Dalton Trans. 43, 13845-13851 (2014).

  26. Tongqing Sun, Pai Shan, Hong Chen, Xuanwen Liu, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ya'an Cao, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu,Growth and properties of a noncentrosymmetric polyphosphate CsLa(PO3)4 crystal with deep-ultraviolet transparency, CrystEngComm 16, 10497–10504 (2014).

  27. Huan Yi, Fang Li, Li Wu, Liwei Wu, Hongrun Wang, Biao Wang, Yi Zhang, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Site occupancy and photoluminescence properties of Eu3+-activated Ba2ZnB2O6 phosphor, RSC Adv. 4, 64244–64251 (2014).

  28. Dahuai Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Shiguo Liu, Jiaying Yao, Ling Zhang, Shaolin Chen, Xu Jingjun, The photorefractive characteristics of bismuth-oxide doped lithium niobate crystals, AIP Adv. 5, 017132 (2015).

  29. Yue Liu, Haonan Zhu, Zidong Pei, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, Molecular dynamic simulations of surface morphology and pulsed laser deposition growth of lithium niobate thin films on silicon substrate, Chin. Phys. B 24(5), 056802 (2015).

  30. Yazhou Cheng, Jinman Lv, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Yongfa Kong, Feng Chen, Mid-infrared ridge waveguide in MgO:LiNbO3 crystal produced by combination of swift O5+ ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing, Optical Materials 48, 209-214 (2015).

  31. Liwei Wu, Fangxin Zhang, Li Wu, Huan Yi, Hongrun Wang, Yi Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Structure refinement and one-center luminescence of Eu3+ activated ZnBi2B2O7under UV excitation, J. Alloy. Compd. 648, 500–506 (2015).

  32. Xiaojie Wang, Xiangming Liu, Fang Bo, Shaolin Chen, Jing Chen, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, Photo-Hall effect in highly Mg-doped lithium niobate crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 191102 (2015).

  33. Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Jiao Cui, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, Lithium-Niobate–Silica Hybrid Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators, Adv. Mater. 27, 8075–8081 (2015). doi: 10.1002/adma.201504722


  1. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong*, Lihong Shi, Lei Sun, Hongde Liu, Xiaochun Li, Di Zhao, Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shiguo Liuand Guangyin Zhang, The relationship between the switching field and the intrinsic defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 (2006) 21-24.

  2. Hongde Liu, Xiang Xie, Yongfa Kong*, Wenbo Yan, Xiaochun Li, Lihong Shi, Jingjun Xu, and Guangyin Zhang, Photorefractive properties of near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals doped with iron, Opt. Mat. 28 (2006) 212-215.

  3. Lihong Shi, Yongfa Kong*, Wenbo Yan, Jun Sun, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Wanlin Zhang, Hongde Liu, Xiaochun Li, Xiang Xie, Di Zhao, Lei Sun, Zhanyin Wang, Jingjun Xu and Guangyin Zhang, Determination of the composition of lithium tantalate by means of Raman and OH absorption measurements, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 95(2-3) (2006) 229-234.

  4. GAO Guo-Xiang, XU Jing-Jun, ZHANG Shu, LIU Wen-Hui, LIU Hong-De, KONG Yong-Fa, CHEN Shao-Lin, ZHANG Guang-Yin, SUN Qian, Photo-Induced Carriers in Near-Stoichiometric LiNbO3:Fe Crystal, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23(2) (2006) 443-445.

  5. Shuqi Li, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Dongling Deng, Guangyu Gao, Yanbo Li, Hongchen Gao, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Hang, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, The optical damage resistance and absorption spectra of LiNbO3:Hf crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 3527-3534.

  6. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong*, Lihong Shi, Lei Sun, Hongde Liu, Xiaochun Li, Di Zhao, and Jingjun Xu, The influence of composition on the photorefractive centers in pure LiNbO3 at low light intensity, Appl. Opt. 45(11) (2006) 2453-2458.

  7. L. Wu, X.L. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y.F. Kong, J.J. Xu, Y.P. Xu, Ab initio structure determination of novel borate NaSrBO3, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 1219-1224.

  8. Jun Sun, Yongfa Kong*, Ling Zhang, Wenbo Yan, Xueze Wang, Jingjun Xu, and Guangyin Zhang, Growth of large diameter nearly stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals by continuous melt supplying system, J. Crystal Growth 292(2), 351-354 (2006).

  9. Shaolin Chen, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Ziheng Huang, and Jingjun Xu, The high photorefractive sensitivity and fast response time of near-stoichiometric and MgO doped LiNbO3:Fe crystal, Crys. Res.Tech. 41(8) 790-794 (2006).

  10. Shuqi Li, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Jingjun Xu, Guangyin Zhang, Enhanced photorefractive properties of LiNbO3:Fe crystals by HfO2 co-doping, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89 (10), 101126 (2006)

  11. Wenbo Yan, Lihong Shi, Yongfa Kong*, Yufang Wang, Hongde Liu, Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shiguo Liu,and Guangyin Zhang, The electrostatic depinning mechanism of domain wall for near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39(2006) 4245-4249

  12. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong*, Lihong Shi, Lei Sun, Hongde Liu, Xiaochun Li, and Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shiguo Liu, and Guangyin Zhang, Investigations on the centers participated in the UV light induced absorption for LiNbO3 highly doped with Mg and Hf, Opt. Express 14(22), 10898-10906 (2006). Colllected by Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science –January 2007, Volume 5, Issue 8.

  13. Xiaochun Li, Yongfa Kong*, Hongde Liu, Lei Sun, Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shiguo Liu, Guangyin Zhang, Origin of the generally defined absorption edge of non-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, Solid State Commun. 141 (2007) 113-116.

  14. Shaolin Chen, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Ziheng Huang, Jingjun Xu, and Guangyin Zhang, The resistance against optical damage of near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Mg crystals prepared by vapor transport equilibration, Opt. Mat. 29 (2007) 885-888.

  15. Wenbo Yan, Hongjian Chen, Lihong Shi, Shiguo Liu, and Yongfa Kong, Investigations of the light-induced scattering varied with HfO2codoping in LiNbO3:Fe crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 211108 (2007).

  16. Liu Hong-De, Kong Yong-Fa*, Hu Qian, Wu Ri-Wen, Wang Wen-Jie, Li Xiao-Chun, Chen Shao-Lin, Liu Shi-Guo, Xu Jing-Jun, Light-induced domain inversion in Mg-doped near stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24(6) (2007) 1720-1723.

  17. Yongfa Kong*,Shiguo Liu, Yanjun Zhao, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Highly optical damage resistant crystal: Zirconium-oxide-doped lithium niobate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 081908 (2007).

  18. Xiaochun Li,Yongfa Kong*,Yuncai Wang,Lizhong Wang,Fucai Liu,Hongde Liu, Ya’nan An,Shaolin Chen,and Jingjun Xu, Nonvolatile holographic storage of near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Cu:Ce with green light, App. Opt. 46(31) (2007) 7620-7624.

  19. Wenbo Yan, Yangxian Li, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen, Shiguo Liu, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shaolin Chen, and Yongfa Kong, Photochromic effect in LiNbO3:Fe:Co, Optics Express 15(25), 17010-17018 (2007).

  20. Li Wu, Yi Zhang, Yong-Fa Kong, Tong-Qing Sun, Jing-Jun Xu, Xiao-Long Chen, “Structure determination of novel orthoborate NaMgBO3: A promising birefringent crystal”, Inorg. Chem. 46, 5207-5211 (2007).

  21. Li Wu, Yi Zhang, Xiao-Long Chen, Yong-Fa Kong, Tong-Qing Sun, Jing-Jun Xu, Y. P. Xu, “The Na2O-SrO-B2O3 diagram in the B-rich part and the crystal structure of NaSrB5O9”, J. Solid State Chem. 180, 1470-1475 (2007).

  22. L. Shi, W. Yan, and Y. Kong,OH- absorption band in LiTaO3 with varied composition and hydrogenation, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 40, 77-81 (2007)

  23. Shu-Qi Chen, Wei-Ping Zang, Zhi-Bo Liu, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Yong-Fa Kong, Jian-Guo TianMethod for measurements of second-order nonlinear optical coefficient based on Z-scan, Opt. Commun. 274 (2007) 213-217.

  24. Wenbo Yan, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen, Yangxian Li and Yongfa Kong, The UV-light-induced absorption in pure LiNbO3 investigated by varying compositions, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (8), 085410 (2008).

  25. Li Xiao-Chun, Kong Yong-Fa*, Wang Li-Zhongand Liu Hong-De, The two photorefractive centres in iron doped nearly stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, Chinese Physics B, 17(3), 1014-1019 (2008).

  26. Yongfa Kong*,Shengqing Wu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Fast photorefractive response and high sensitivity of Zr and Fe codoped LiNbO3crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 251107 (2008).Collected by ScienceArchived, June 26th, 2008.

  27. Wenjie Wang, Yongfa Kong*,Hongde Liu, Qian Hu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, and Jingjun Xu, Light-induced domain reversal in doped lithium niobate crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 043105 (2009)

  28. Xinzheng Zhang, Junqiao Wang, Baiquan Tang, Xinhui Tan, Romano A. Rupp, Leiting Pan, Yongfa Kong, Qian Sun, and Jingjun Xu, Optical trapping and manipulation of metallic micro/nanoparticles via photorefractive crystals, Opt. Express 17(12), 9981-9988 (2009).

  29. W. Wang, V. Roppo, K. Kalinowski, Y. Kong, D. N. Neshev, C. Cojocaru, J. Trull, R. Vilaseca, K. Staliunas, W. Krolikowski, S. M. Saltiel, and Yu. Kivshar, Third-harmonic generation via broadband cascading in disordered quadratic nonlinear media, Opt. Express 17(22), 20117-20123 (2009).

  30. Yongfa Kong*, Fucai Liu, Tian Tian, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Fast responsive nonvolatile holographic storage in LiNbO3 triply doped with Zr, Fe, and Mn, Opt. Lett. 34(24), 3896-3898 (2009).

  31. Fucai Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Wei Li, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Xinzheng Zhang, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, High resistance against ultraviolet photorefraction in zirconium-doped lithium niobate crystals, Opt. Lett. 35(1), 10-12 (2010). Selected as Image of the issue; and selected as Research Highlights by Nature Photonics (4, 128-129 (2010)).

  32. Feifei Xin, Guoquan Zhang,Fang Bo, Haifeng Sun, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Tatyana Volk, and Natalia M. Rubinina,Ultraviolet photorefraction at 325 nm in doped lithium niobate crystals,J. Appl. Phys. 107, 033113 (2010).

  33. Wenbo Yan, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen, Xinzheng Zhang, and Yongfa Kong, Investigations on the UV photorefractivity of LiNbO3:Hf, Opt. Lett. 35(4), 601-603 (2010).

  34. V. Roppo, W. Wang, K. Kalinowski, Y. Kong, C. Cojocaru, J. Trull, R. Vilaseca, M. Scalora,W. Krolikowski,and Yu. Kivshar, The role of ferroelectric domain structure in second harmonic generation in random quadratic media, Opt. Express 18(5), 4012-4022 (2010).

  35. Lizhong Wang, Shiguo Liu, Yongfa Kong*, Shaolin Chen, Ziheng Huang, Li Wu, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Increased optical damage resistance in Tin doped lithium niobate, Opt. Lett. 35(6),883-885 (2010). Selected as Image of the issue.

  36. Fucai Liu, Yongfa Kong*,Xinyu Ge, Hongde Liu, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Improved sensitivity of nonvolatile holographic storage in triply doped LiNbO3:Zr,Cu,Ce, Opt. Express 18(6), 6333-6339 (2010).

  37. Li Wu, Jiancheng Sun, Yi Zhang, Shifeng Jin, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Chiral Orthoborate KMgBO3, Inorg. Chem. 49(6). 2715-2720, (2010).

  38. Hao Zeng, Yongfa Kong*, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ziheng Huang, Xinyu Geand Jingjun Xu, Light-induced super low electric field for domain reversal in near-stoichiometric magnesium-doped lithium niobate, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 063514 (2010).

  39. Tongqing Sun, Xiaodong Zhou, Xiaoqing Wang, Guangqiu Shen, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Dezhong Shen, Crystal growth and characterization of non-centrosysmmetric polyphosphates, type III KNd(PO3)4 and KGd(PO3)4, J. Crystal Growth 312, 1627–1631 (2010).

  40. Fucai Liu, T. Makino, H. Hiraga, T. Fukumura, Yongfa Kong, and M. Kawasaki, Ultrafast dynamics of excitons in delafossite CuScO2 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 211904 (2010). Collected by Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science –June 2010, Volume 9, Issue 6.

  41. Wenbo Yan, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen, Xunan Shen, and Yongfa Kong, Light scattering induced by opposite microdomains in LiNbO3:Fe:Hf crystals, Opt. Express, 18(11) 11949-11954 (2010).

  42. Wenbo Yan, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen, Xunan Shen and Yongfa Kong, Investigations of the OH absorption bands in congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Hf crystals, Euro Phys. Lett. 91(3), 36002 (2010).

  43. Meng Chen, Tongqing Sun, Hong Chen, Yu Zhang, Li Wu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Synthesis and luminescence properties of Yb3+ and Er3+ doped KLa(WO4)2 nanoparticles,J. Solid State Chem., 183(9), 2161-2165 (2010).

  44. L. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. W. Su, Y. F. Kong, and J. J. Xu, Structural study of nonlinear optical borates K1−xNaxSr4(BO3)3 (x£0.5), Powder Diffraction 25(S1), S11-S16 (2010).

  45. Wenjie Wang, Ksawery Kalinowski, Vito Roppo, Yan Sheng, Kaloian Koynov, Yongfa Kong, Crina Cojocaru, Jose Trull, Ramon Vilaseca, and Wieslaw Krolikowski, Second- and third-harmonic parametric scattering in disordered quadratic media, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.43(21), 215404 (2010).

  46. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Yongfa Kong, Ady Arie, and Wieslaw Krolikowski, Multiple Čerenkov second-harmonic waves in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic structure, Opt. Lett. 35(22) 3790-3792 (2010).

  47. Hao Zeng, Yongfa Kong*, Tian Tian, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Tongqing Sun, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu, Transcription of domain patterns in near-stoichiometric magnesium-doped lithium niobate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 201901 (2010). 《激光与光电子学进展》杂志“2010中国光学重要成果


  1. Yongfa Kong, Jinke Win, and Huafu Wang, Dislocations and subgrain boundaries in highly magnesium-doped lithium niobate crystals, J. Crystal Growth, 140 (1994) 45-50.

  2. Yongfa Kong, Jiachun Deng, Wanlin Zhang, Jinke Wen, Guangyin Zhang, and Huafu Wang, OH- absorption spectra in doped lithium niobate crystals, Phys. Lett. A, 196 (1994) 128-32.

  3. Yongfa Kong, Jinke Wen, and Huafu Wang, New doped lithium niobate crystal with high resistance to photorefraction—LiNbO3:In, Appl. Phys. Lett., 66[3] (1995) 280-1. (SCI cited 120 times)

  4. Jiachun Deng, Yongfa Kong, Jiang Li, Jinke Wen, and Bing Li, Reduction of laser-induced dark traces in LiNbO3:Mg and LiNbO3:Zn by heat treatment, J. Appl. Phys., 79[12] (1996) 9334-7.

  5. Kong Yong-fa, Wen Jin-ke, and Yang Zheng-fang, Photorefraction resistance of Na2O-doped lithium niobate single crystals, Chin. Phys. Lett., 14[8] (1997) 629-32.

  6. Yongfa Kong*, Zhengfang Yang, Guangyin Zhang, and Qinming Yuan, Friction and wear characteristics of mullite, ZTM and TZP ceramics, Wear 218 (1998) 159-166.

  7. Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Wanlin Zhang, and Guangyin Zhang, The proton site occupation in congruent lithium niobate crystal determined by nuclear magnetic resonance, Phys. Lett. A. 250 (1998) 211-213.

  8. Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Xiaojun Chen, Wanlin Zhang, and Guangyin Zhang, OH- absorption spectra of pure lithium niobate crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 2139-2143.

  9. Jingjun Xu, Guangyin Zhang, Feifei Li, Xinzheng Zhang, Qian Sun, Simin Liu, Feng Song, Yongfa Kong, Xiaojun Chen, Haijun Qiao, Jianghong Yao, Lijuan Zhao, Enhancement of UV photorefraction in highly doped-Mg LiNbO3, Opt. Lett. 25(2) (2000) 129-31.

  10. Y. Kong*, J. Xu, W. Zhang, and G. Zhang, The site occupation protons in lithium niobate crystals, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 61(8) (2000) 1331-5.

  11. Yongfa Kong*, Jingjun Xu, Xiaojun Chen, Cunzhou Zhang, Wanlin Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, Ilmenite-like stacking defect in non-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals investigated by Raman scattering spectra, J. Appl. Phys. 87(9) (2000) 4410-4.

  12. Yun-Lin Chen, Jing-Jun Xu, Xiao-Jun Chen, Yongfa Kong, Guang-Yin Zhang, Domain reversal process of near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystals, Opt. Commun. 188 (2001) 359-64.

  13. Zhenxiang Cheng, Qingming Lu, Shujun Zhang, Junhai Liu, Xiujie Yi, Feng Song, Yongfa Kong, Jianru Han, and Huanchu Chen, Growth and properties of NaEr(WO4)2 crystals, J. Crystal Growth 222 (2001) 797-800.

  14. LI Fei-Fei, XU Jing-Jun, KONG Yong-Fa, HUANG Hui, ZHANG Guang-Yin, YANG Chun-Hui, and XU Yu-Heng, Light-induced absorption in nominally pure Bismuth Silicon Oxide, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18(12) (2001) 1595-1597.

  15. Yun-Lin Chen, Jing-Jun Xu, Yong-Fa Kong, and Guangyin Zhang, Ferroelectric domain inversion in near stoichiometric lithium niobate for high efficiency blue light generation, Appl. Physics A, 74(2) (2002) 187-190.

  16. Yongfa Kong*, Zhengfang Yang, Guangyin Zhang, Qiming Yuan, Sliding friction and wear of alumina-reinforced zirconia-toughened mullite composites, Wear, 252 (2002)607-613.

  17. Yun-Lin Chen, Jing-Jun Xu, Yong-Fa Kong, Shaolin Chen, and Guangyin Zhang, Effect of Li diffusion on the domain inversion of LiNbO3 prepared by vapor transport equilibration, Appl. Phys. Lett., 81(4) (2002) 700~702.

  18. Y.L. Chen, J.P. Wen, Y.F. Kong, S.L. Chen, W.L. Zhang, J.J. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Effect of Li diffusion in the composition of LiNbO3 at high temperature, J. Crystal Growth, 242 (2002) 400~404.

  19. Yunlin Chen, Wanlin Zhang, Yongchun Shu, Cibo Lou, Yongfa Kong, Ziheng Huang, Jingjun Xu, Guangyin Zhang, Determination of the Li/Nb ratio in LiNbO3 crystals prepared by vapor transport equilibration method, Optical Materials, 23, 295–298 (2003).

  20. Chen YH, Yao JH, Yan BX, Deng HL, Kong YF, Chen SL, Xu JJ, Zhang GY, Harmonic violet light generation in periodically poled bulk near-stoichiometric MgO-doped LiNbO3, Opt. Commun., 224(1-3), 149-153 (2003).

  21. Yunlin Chen, Cibo Lou, Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong, Guangyin Zhang, and Jianping Wen, Domain Switching characteristics of near stoichiometric LiNbO3 doped with MgO, J. Appl. Phys. 94 (2003) 3350-3352.

  22. Yongfa Kong*, Jingjun Xu, Wanlin Zhang, Yunlin Chen, Bing Li, Shaolin Chen, Ziheng Huang, Ling Zhang, Shiguo Liu, Wenbo Yan, Hongde Liu, Xiang Xie, Lihong Shi, Xiaochun Li, and Guangyin Zhang, The OH- related defect structures in low-doped lithium niobate crystals, Infr. Phys. Tech. 45 (2004) 281-289.

  23. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong*, Lihong Shi, Xiang Xie, Xiaochun Li, Jingjun Xu, Cibo Lou, Hongde Liu, Wanlin Zhang, and Guangyin Zhang, The H+ related defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals investigated by domain reversal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 201(9) (2004) 2013-20.

  24. J.H. Yao, Y.H. Chen, B.X. Yan, H.L. Deng, Y.F. Kong, S.L. Chen, J.J. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Characteristics of domain inversion in magnesium-oxidedoped lithium niobate, Physica B 352 (2004) 294-298.

  25. Yongfa Kong*, Jingjun Xu, Bing Li, Shaolin Chen, Ziheng Huang, Ling Zhang, Shiguo Liu, Wenbo Yan, Hongde Liu, Xiang Xie, Lihong Shi, Xiaochun Li, Guangyin Zhang, The asymmetry between the domain walls of periodically poled lithium niobate crystals, Opt. Mat. 27 (2004) 471-473.

  26. TANG Li-Qin, ZHAO Li-Juan, ZHANG Xin-Zheng, YU Hua, MENG Jie, LIANG Qin, XU Jing-Jun, KONG Yong-Fa, Luminescent Enhancemnt in Mg- and Er- codped LiNbO3 crystals, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(3) (2005) 588-590.

  27. W. Yan, Y. Kong*, L. Shi, J. Yao, S. Chen, L. Sun, D. Zhao, and J. Xu, The H+ related defects involved in domain reversal for both near-stoichiometric and heavily Mg-doped lithium niobate crystals, Eur. Phys. J. B 43, 347-353 (2005).

  28. Lihong Shi, Yongfa Kong*, Wenbo Yan, Hongde Liu, Xiaochun Li, Xiang Xie, Di Zhao, Lei Sun, Jingjun Xu, Jun Sun, Shaolin Chen, Ling Zhang, Ziheng Huang, Shiguo Liu, Wanlin Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, The composition dependence and new assignment of the Raman spectrum in lithium tantalate, Solid State Commun. 135 (2005) 251–256.

  29. WANG Zhen-Hua, ZHANG Xin-Zheng, XU Jing-Jun, WU Qiang, QIAO Hai-Jun, TANG Bai-Quan, RUPP Romano, KONG Yong-Fa, CHEN Shao-Lin, HUANG Zi-Heng, LI Bing, LIU Shi-Guo, ZHANG Ling, Time-Resolved Femtosecond Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing in LiNbO3:Fe,Mg Crystal, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22(11) (2005) 2831.


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