【学术报告】Sterile neutrinos and displaced vertices at the LHC


时      间:2019年4月24日(周三)  下午4:00
地      点:三教301室
报告题目:Sterile neutrinos and displaced vertices at the LHC
报 告 人:Xabier Marcano (LPT Orsay, France)
摘      要:Many beyond the Standard Model theories introduce sterile neutrinos in 
order to provide solutions to several open problems in particle physics 
and cosmology. Among the different ways of probing their existence,
searches for collider signatures with displaced vertices are particularly
appealing due to their low SM backgrounds. Interestingly, sterile
neutrinos of few GeV with mixings that are allowed by present constraints
can lead to displaced vertices. We revisit the potential of the LHC for
this kind of signatures, paying special attention to the role of flavor
and different kinematic configurations.